Friday, February 8, 2013

Car Alarm Systems Come Under Fire

As car alarm systems get louder and more numerous, more and more people are deciding that they've had enough. As is turns out, car alarm systems don't even increase the odds that a car will not be stolen. Many cities have begun to go so far as considering making the car alarm an illegal device to own or manufacture and sell to others. New York City has recently had several bills proposed by various council members calling for the restriction of car alarm systems within the city.

Many bills have been introduced whose main focus is to somehow reduce the annoyance that car alarm systems have become in many neighborhoods. Introduced in 2002 with nine co-sponsors, Liu's car alarm bill would effectively ban the sale and installation of car alarms that are audible within New York City. Introduced with fifteen co-sponsors, Moskowitz's bill of April, 2002 goes further in proposing a mechanism by which citizens could report annoying alarms to the police. This, in turn, would produce a warning letter that is sent to the owner of the offending car alarm.

The problem of car alarm systems has become such a large concern that Moskowitz and fellow councilmember John Liu have sponsored multiple bills that promise to fix the car alarm systems problem in New York City and the surrounding areas suffering from this noise pollution problem. Though some question the feasibility of making car alarm systems illegal, many people seem to agree that the time for some sort of solution being necessary.

Car Alarms Do Not Prevent Car Theft

Studies done by unbiased car insurance companies who wish to conduct objective scientific research to determine the effectiveness of car alarms showed that car alarms do nothing to stop car theft. Car alarm systems just plain don't make your car any less likely to become stolen or broken into.

As statistics seem to show over and over again, car alarms simply don't prevent vehicle theft. In cases such as theft, criminals are going to steal the car regardless of whether or not it has an alarm system installed. There are many ways to make your car less attractive. It is widely agreed that the best way to keep your car safe is to make it as inaccessible or unattractive to a would be thief because of the extreme lengths that he or she would have to go through in order to get to your car. One of the simplest ways to do this is to make your car the one that doesn't stand out form all the other cars.

Car Alarm Reviews Take the Worry Out of Buying

There are many free review sites, such as These are convenient to use, with the main drawback being that they only feature items from the most popular merchants. This is what some people want, but those looking for a bargain may be disappointed with the price range of products reviewed on sites like these.

The reviews section on eBay is relatively new, so some of the sections are not very populated yet, but I imagine it's only a matter of time before these sections are just as full of information as the discussion boards and other busy areas on eBay. You may just luck out and find the exact car alarm system that you've decided to get too.

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